This article explains how to implement an Advertiser pixel for Client to Server Tracking and Server to Server Tracking.

C2S, Client to Server Tracking

To set up the correct tracking pixel, there is one element to consider:

1. Do you prefer to use iFrame or img src? Choose the correct code for this.

For using our tracking system, copy one of the following codes in your page: 

The following links are just examples, you will receive similar ones from the Account Manager. For C2S pixels, you need one per campaign, instead of globally.

  • Img

<!- Begin Addiliate Tracking code with image->
<img src=”//[]&orderId=[]&amount=[]” width=”1″ height=”1″ alt=”” />
<!- End Addiliate Tracking code with image->

  • iFrame

<!- Begin Addiliate Tracking code with iframe->
<iframe src=”//[]&orderId=[]&amount=[]” width=”1″ height=”1″ frameBorder=”0″></iframe>
<!- End Addiliate Tracking code with iframe->


cp” – This variable is an unique code of 8 characters which represent campaign reference.

rId” – Parameter used in lead conversions. You have 3 options for complete this parameter value:
1. random number
2. time stamp including the millisecond
3. combination of the above

orderId” – Parameter used in order conversions. You have 2 options for complete this parameter value:
1. Id of the order
2. Order reference – a unique combination that its associated with the order

amount” – Parameter used in order conversions. This must be complete with transaction value. For example if you have 20 euro transaction value than you must replace [] from amount with 20 like

S2S, Server to Server Tracking

Default S2S Pixel: 

for HTTP

<!- Addiliate S2S Tracking code ->[]&rId=[]&orderId=[]&amount=[]


<!- Addiliate S2S Tracking code with secure page ->[]&rId=[]&orderId=[]&amount=[]

For the tracking to work, a parameter (click_id) has to be appended at the end of the tracking link, which needs to be returned with the pixel within the parameter click_id.

Tracking link:

The rest of the parameters are optional, but can be used to receive a unique orderID or transactionID.

Example of S2S tracking:

Tracking link:



In this example you can see that the parameter name for click_id is tracking_id. Depending on your system, this parameter name might differ, but the setup will always be the same.