Publisher Billing

On Publisher Billing, there are filters for Year and Month. There is an additional important filter which is called Display Campaign Details. You use this filter if you want to see the results split up per campaign. If you don´t use this filter, you will get the overall results.

There are 2 main tabs:

Pending Payments. This is where you can see all the results that can be invoiced.

  • If you have selected Display Campaign Details on NO, you will get an overview of the Approved and Pending amounts.
  • If you have selected Display Campaign Details on YES, you will get an overview of the Approved and Pending amounts per campaign.
1. Always send us invoices with campaign details described.
2. Only send us invoices for approved amounts, sending invoices for pending amounts will result in delayed payments.

In case of doubts, please send your account manager a quick message and he/she will help you.

Paid invoices. Here you can get an overview of all the invoices we have received from you and their status. You can see when your invoices have been paid. This information has been updated from January 2014 onwards.

We are able to transfer money to publishers by:
- Wire transfer (Globally)
- Paypal