Hello Everybody,
It has been a while since the last update as we use Spring 2015 to really improve our platform. We are working on some really cool technologies which will allow us to offer the best Affiliate Marketing system to Publishers and Advertisers.
We believe in a future with easy, fast and beautiful web applications and unfortunately have to conclude that the B2B Affiliate Industry hasn’t evolved at the same pace as B2C websites. We are not able to name one Affiliate Marketing platform that is really at the level of Pinterest / Apple in terms of design and performance. However, there are plenty of amazing B2C websites or B2B applications in other industries out there that provide us with great inspiration of how Affiliate Marketing platforms could be. Therefore we took the challenge and are currently working on shaping the future of Affiliate Marketing.
You’ll have to be patient as this is a huge task, but soon w’ll be able to show you what we mean.
Thanks for you patience.