FunnelFlux Conversion Tracking

This guide provides detailed guidelines on how to configure integration and conversion tracking between Addiliate and Funnel Flux.

Table of contents:

  1. Adding Addiliate as an Offer Network in Funnel Flux
  2. Obtaining your Funnel Flux Postback URL and implement the Funnel Flux Postback URL in Addiliate
  3. Set up the Addiliate tracking (Offer) URL in Funnel Flux and start sending traffic

Adding Addiliate as an Offer Network in Funnel Flux

  • Step1: Select OFFER SOURCES from SOURCES in the main menu.
  • Step2: Click the New Offer Source button.
  • Step3: Define a name for your affiliate network. Addiliate is used in this example:

  • Step4: After that click on SAVE OFFER SOURCE to add it to your list of active offer networks.

Obtaining your Funnel Flux Postback URL

In your Funnel Flux main menu you must click on YOUR LINKS. Then scroll down to the Conversion Postback URL section - example below:

Copy ‘Clipboard’ your Funnel Flux postback URL and set it as the global postback URL in your Addiliate account (by sending the URL to your Addiliate account manager) details below. Or you can just place that URL to every single offer you want to track in “Testing & Tracking” tab in the offer Dashboard.

Or in alternative you can direclty copy the postback provided by FF where you “ ADD NEW OFFER SOURCE”:

Example of Postback URL to be placed: amount% &flux_hid= add1

The Addiliate macro used within the postback URL for click ID, will correspond to the parameter used within the offer URL supplied by Addiliate: {hit-id} 

Getting the Addiliate tracking (Offer) URL

Choose the offer you’d like to work with, click on the “Get URL” tab and copy the “Tracking URL” after setting before the clickid in “Subid” tab (add1 and your clicid, in this case {hit-id}).

Or copy the url and add add1={hit-id} to append the link the Funnel Flux macro {hit-id}.{hit-id}

Set up the Addiliate tracking URL (offer) in Funnel Flux and start sending traffic

Once you’ve obtained your offer URL from Addiliate, you’re then ready to add it as an offer entity into your Funnel Flux account. The steps below outline the process of adding a new offer to your Funnel Flux account:

  • Step1: Go into the main menu and click on OFFERS
  • Step2: Click the NEW FLUX OFFER button

This is the default new offer view:

  • Step3: Set a unique name for your offer and then choose a category for you offer (it can be antivirus, app install, sweepstake, etc.
  • Step4: Add your Offer URL . Paste your Offer URL into the URL field (sourced from Addiliate) and append Funnel Flux {hit-id} token to Addiliate’s add1 parameter. ( ?add1={hit-id} ), or just choose the {hit-id} parameter from “URL Tokens” box.

Important reminder: Addiliate uses their add1 token. As such, it’s important to use the corresponding parameter add1 to pass Funnel Flux’s {hit-id} in the offers’ query string. Example Addiliate offer URL:{hit-id}

  • Step5: Insert the payout of the offer and choose from the “Offer Source” box Addiliate

To finish offer configuration, click on SAVE FLUX OFFER.